
Somaliland Reaches Pediatric Specialists


The graduation ceremony was held after the thesis and graduation exams of the Pediatrics Residency Training Program held at Frantz Fanon University.  Seven doctors who participated in the 'Pediatrics Specialty Training Program', which was initiated in 2018 and has been continuing for 5 years, were entitled to receive the title of "First Child Specialists" in Somaliland history. In this context, Prof. Dr. Fahri Ovalı, Head of the Department of Pediatrics of our university, thanked all colleagues who contributed to the program by saying "We anticipate that early child deaths and disabilities, which is one of the most important problems of Somaliland, will decrease significantly after the pediatricians take office."  Prof. Dr. Orhan Alimoğlu, President of MASAM, said: "Our work will continue in all regions of the world where there is a need in the field of health, especially in Africa. I would like to thank all parties who contributed to the program." 

For the programs to be carried out within the scope of the collaborations we have signed with Frantz Fanon University and Somaliland Hargeisa University under the coordination of our University's African Health Studies Application and Research Center (MASAM), MASAM President and General Surgery Specialty Training Program Coordinator Prof. Dr. Orhan Alimoğlu and Dr. Dr. Orhan Alimoğlu said. Prof. Dr. Orhan Alimoğlu and Dr. Şurahbil Yağbasa, Child Health and Diseases Specialty Training Program Coordinator Prof. Dr. Fahri Ovalı and Assoc. Dr. Hamdi Cihan Emeksiz, Emergency Medicine Department Specialty Training Program Coordinator Prof. Dr. Behçet Al, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Görkem Alper Solakoğlu went to Hargesia between January 19-24.

Within the scope of the cooperation signed with Somaliland Hargeisa University, practical training of Emergency Medicine and General Surgery residents, interim evaluations and planned surgeries were carried out. A course titled "Critical Care in Emergency Medicine Course" was organized. 

Alimoğlu Health and Education Foundation contributed to the Specialty Training Programs.