URAP's 2024-2025 Türkiye Ranking October report has been published. According to the ranking report, our university rose from 38th to 36th place among 190 universities in Türkiye and ranked 27th among 106 universities in the ranking of universities with a faculty of medicine.
URAP 2024-2025 Türkiye Ranking, which summarizes the academic performance of our universities based on indicators that determine the number and quality of scientific productivity, used data published by Clarivate Analytics/InCites and the CoHE. The URAP ranking, which has been enriched with new indicators within the last two years, employs widely used indicators such as the number of articles and citations, as well as innovative indicators such as the number of TÜBİTAK projects, the number of domestic and international joint articles with other universities, and the number of joint articles with universities in other countries.
You can access the URAP 2024-2025 Türkiye ranking tables here.