
Medeniyet Art Journal Published its Eighth Issue


Medeniyet Art Journal, which started publishing in 2014 and was published within the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture of our university, completed its eighth year with the end of 2022. As an international refereed journal for eight years; it includes original research and compilation articles and book reviews in the fields of photography, traditional arts, visual communication design, communication studies, architecture, plastic arts, art management, city and regional planning, design and art criticism and theatre. Medeniyet Art Journal has reached 53 thousand views and 211 thousand downloads since its first publication, and it is both a reference for many academics and a platform where original articles are published. The editorship of Medeniyet Art magazine has been led by the Head of Visual Communication Design Department Assoc.Dr. Doğan ARSLAN and Faculty Member Asst.Prof.Dr. Koray SEVİNDİ, while as Faculty Members of the Department of Architecture, Res.Asst. Özge GÜRSOY, Ph.D, and Res.Asst.  Nazife SOFU BAĞ was also included in the journal staff in 2022. STM Faculty Deputy Dean and Vice Rector Prof.Dr. Yaşar BÜLBÜL is the privileged owner of the journal, while Asst.Prof.Dr. Rüstem MÜRSELOĞLU was at the Registrar's Office.

The editor of Medeniyet Art Journal, Assoc. Dr. Doğan Arslan stated that the journal occupies an important place among the seven peer-reviewed journals in the field of art and design in Turkey, and that they are also preparing to be included in international indexes such as "SCOPUS, EBSCO, SSCI" in 2023. Stating that Medeniyet Art Magazine attracts attention with its original cover designs, Arslan states that these conceptual original cover designs also differ the journal from other peer-reviewed journals.

Medeniyet Art Journal is published twice a year, in June and December, and the editorial board of the journal consists of the following names:

Prof. Dr. Ali TOMAK, Samsun Ondokuz Mayıs University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Byoung II SUN, Korea University, South Korea
Prof. Dr. Elizabeth RESNICK, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, USA
Prof. Dr. Levent MERCİN, Kütahya Dumlupınar University, Turkey
Assoc. Dr. Dalida KARIC-HADZIAHMETOVIC University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Assoc. Dr. Doğan ARSLAN, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Turkey
Assoc. Dr. Rikke HANSEN, University of South Denmark, Denmark
Assoc. Dr. Wieslaw GRZEGORYCZYK, Rzeszowski University, Poland
Assoc. Dr. Li XU, Beijing Art A&B Design, China
Assoc. Dr. Saima ZAIDI, Habib University, Pakistan

You can access the latest issue of the journal here.