
5 Projects Involving our Faculty Members Receive Support in the TÜBİTAK-1001 - 2024/1 Period


The scientific evaluation process has been completed for the projects proposed to the Directorate of Research Support Programs (ARDEB) in the 1st period of 2024 within the scope of TÜBİTAK “1001- Scientific and Technological Research Projects Support Program”. Five projects in which faculty members from Istanbul Medeniyet University took part as coordinators and consultants/researchers were entitled to receive support. 

In the first period of 2024, a total of 1595 project proposals were submitted under the 1001 program and 1502 of these projects were taken into scientific evaluation. As a result of the evaluation, a total of 269 project proposals were deemed worthy of support, 47 of which were conditional upon the completion of the shortcomings, and the support rate for the projects was 17.9%.

The five projects deemed worthy of support by TÜBITAK, in which IMU faculty members took part as coordinators and consultants/researchers and whose panel evaluation process was positive, are listed as follows: 

Project Title

Coordinator:  Prof. Dr. Sadık YAZAR

Eğitim Teorisi Konusunda Kanonik Bir Metin Olarak Ta`lîmü’l-MüteAllim’in Osmanlı Telif Ve Tedris Geleneğindeki Etki ve Dolaşımı (The Influence and Circulation of Ta`lîmü'l-MüteAllim as a Canonical Text on Educational Theory in the Ottoman Authorship and Teaching Tradition)

Researcher/Expert:  Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul KILIÇ

Sinaptopodinin Nöronal İskemik Hasar ve Toleranstaki Postsinaptik Fonksiyonlarının Araştırılması (Investigation of Synaptopodin's Postsynaptic Functions in Neuronal Ischemic Damage and Tolerance)

Researcher/Expert:  Prof. Dr. Mehmet Hüseyin BİLGİN

Türkiye'de Yaşayan Geçici Koruma Statüsündeki Suriyeli Göçmenlerin Ekonomik Entegrasyonu: Eğitim Müdahalesi Geliştirilmesi Ve Statü Kaygısı Düzeyinin Eğitim Müdahalesi Etkinliğine Etkisinin İncelenmesi (Economic Integration of Syrian Emigrants Under Temporary Protection Status Living in Turkey: Developing an Educational Intervention and Examining the Effect of Status Anxiety Level on the Effectiveness of Educational Intervention)

Researcher/Expert:  Prof. Dr. Fuat ARAS

Modüler Çelik Yapılar İçin Modüller Arası Yenilikçi İzolatör Tipi Birleşim Önerilmesi (Proposal of an Innovative Insulation Type Joint between Modules for Modular Steel Structures)

Researcher/Expert: Lect. Dr. İlker KARACAN

Alfa-Sinükleinopatilerde Ortak Ve Hastalığa Özgü Konak-Mikrobiyom İlişkilerinin Entegre Multi-Omik Analizlerle İncelenmesi (Investigation of Common and Disease-Specific Host-Microbiome Relationships in Alpha-Synucleinopathies by Integrated Multi-Omic Analysis)

Thanks to the innovative approaches, original ideas and significant contributions to the literature in the projects carried out by our academics with their determination and superior performance, our university continues to make a name for itself at national and international level.  The scientific and technological developments to be achieved through the realization of the projects will contribute to the literature and further increase our university's prestige. We congratulate all our professors and wish them continued success.